D. A. Abrams

The Inclusion Solution: My Big Six Formula for Success

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WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT My Big Six Formula for Success:

** “D.A. Abrams has done a masterful job of organizing into a coherent whole the various practices, philosophies, and frameworks of the diversity and inclusion field. This vital resource offers a clear understanding of and a way to navigate the challenges of creating and sustaining inclusion initiatives that truly work. The book is designed to be a hands-on resource, providing case studies to show how diversity and inclusion operate in a variety of settings, effectively highlighting the practices needed to benefit from diversity. This is a must read for anyone interested in this important organizational and global challenge.”

**“The author breaks it down to a level that easily understood. Diversity and inclusion are topics that are often avoided in the workplace. Managers rather ignore it than embrace it. Newsflash! It ain’t going nowhere. It will become more important before you retire. Read this book to find out WHY.”

**“The real world is full of many different kinds of people and if we are going to be successful at business … and in life … we have to accept and embrace differences.”

**“I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It really states, clearly and concisely what you should be doing to achieve your goals. I’ve always found it very easy to begin things. The Big Six Formula For Success highlighted a number of techniques I will be using from now on to help me. A MUST READ!”

A diversity strategy for your enterprise is one of the best investments that you can make. It is not only wise social policy: in the 21st century, it makes the very best business sense. How do you ensure that you are analyzing your corporate diversity and inclusion accurately? Then how can you design an approach that will maximize all of the upside potential available to a successful D&I strategy?

By detailing the Big Six Action Plan, proven successful and illuminated through case studies across the corporate landscape, “The Inclusion Solution” shows you how to increase your revenues directly by bringing a comprehensive and holistic business approach to diversity & inclusion in your own company. It explains how to ensure a diverse workforce at every level, how to reach the multi-cultural marketplace most effectively, and how to include diversity in your image as a way of ensuring the greatest opportunities for growth and expansion in any enterprise or association, large or small.


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